Utah’s energy summit highlights challenges, successes
The Governor’s Utah Energy Development Summit opened Tuesday amid an economic climate for fossil fuels dominated by uncertainty and pessimism — at least for the coming months.
The Governor’s Utah Energy Development Summit opened Tuesday amid an economic climate for fossil fuels dominated by uncertainty and pessimism — at least for the coming months.
What’s the best place in the country to buy a new electric car? That honor arguably goes to Colorado, whose legislature just passed a bill that, starting in 2017, will effectively give consumers a $5,000 discount at the dealership.
It is always disappointing to see Big Oil-funded “scholars” perpetuation of myths about the U.S. biofuels industry.
The Obama administration tried to strike a cautious compromise Wednesday in setting quotas for a controversial renewable fuels program that pits Big Oil against Corn Belt interests.
John Hofmeister went on CNBC on Thursday to talk about the current and future price of oil, and he gave viewers more to think about when he elevated the discussion to include the need for alternatives to meet the world’s growing appetite for transportation fuel.
Tesla Motors said it would offer about $2 billion in stock, mainly to help it ramp up production of its new Model 3 electric car over the next two years.
Oil prices hit six-month highs on Monday on worries about global supply outages and as long-time bear Goldman Sachs sounded more positive on the market, although a stockpile build at the U.S. storage hub for crude futures limited gains.
It has been a grim decade for investors in international oil firms—among them, many of the world’s biggest pension funds. In the past 18 months things have gone from bad to worse.
For the better part of two years now, Americans have been enjoying substantially lower gas prices. That extra savings at the gas pump adds up when you consider the millions of drivers across the country. Has it altered the trend in auto purchases? Are U.S. automakers benefiting as a result? And what could happen if prices at the pump go back up?
There’s no assurance Tesla can scale up that quickly, especially because it is still struggling with the launch of its new Model X.