Growth Energy: Ethanol works; ask NASCAR
There was so much misinformation in the Sept. 25 commentary “The Renewable Fuel Standard Failure,” written by a former chief economist at the American Petroleum Institute, I don’t even know where to begin.
There was so much misinformation in the Sept. 25 commentary “The Renewable Fuel Standard Failure,” written by a former chief economist at the American Petroleum Institute, I don’t even know where to begin.
U.S. oil drilling has seen its best quarter since crude prices tumbled two years ago mainly due to small operators returning to the well pad, but analysts say the continued recovery in the rig count depends on whether OPEC’s output reduction plan can bring the market back to $50 a barrel.
This week OPEC’s Lucy finally let oil’s Charlie Brown enjoy a solid kick.
OPEC agreed on Wednesday to cut its oil output for the first time since 2008, with the group’s leader Saudi Arabia softening its stance on arch-rival Iran amid mounting pressure from low oil prices.
The oil industry has been saying for months that the worst of the oil bust is over. Now the Fed is too.
Oil fell about 3 percent on Tuesday after Saudi Arabia and Iran dashed market hopes that the two major OPEC producers would find a compromise this week at meeting in Algiers to help ease a global glut of crude.
The head of ethanol giant Poet is optimistic presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton back renewable fuels despite recent developments that have left some in the industry uncertain about their positions.
Tesla could have reacted by fixing any one of the bugs to block the attack. Instead, it went further, implementing a more fundamental security feature that will make the next hack of its vehicles more difficult for even sophisticated hackers to pull off.
Analysts at investment banks currently forecast the price of WTI oil to be at least $65 by the end of 2019. How reliable are those predictions?
The new set of restrictions arrive following recent reports of accidents involving the Model S and Model X, allegedly while driving with Autopilot engaged. In nearly all cases, the Silicon Valley automaker proved via a review of the vehicle’s logs that the accident was a result of driver negligence.