PUMP to Kick Oil Addiction by Edwin Black +VIDEO


American petroleum use accounts for about one-quarter of global consumption, depending upon whose numbers you’re refining. Kicking our oil addiction is an old mantra that is preached daily from the sidelines by an army of expert energy analysts and security insiders. A slick, kinetic new Hollywood movie, PUMP, is breaking out of the wooden oil documentary mold to help power a concerted national effort to get off of oil.

‘Pump’: Film Review


n Fuel, his 2008 documentary, Joshua Tickell took a first-person stance for renewable energy. Six years later, co-directing with his wife Rebecca Harrell Tickell, he removes himself from the onscreen equation for Pump. Gathering expert testimony and a bright mix of archival material, their film champions gas station alternatives that go way beyond premium and regular.

To Use Less Oil, We Need To Think About Cars As Software Platforms


Some time in the future–perhaps a decade from now–we’ll all be driving around in electric cars (probably). Battery technology will have evolved to allow longer trips on a single charge, and they’ll be significantly cheaper than they are now.

A decade from now, though? That’s a long way off. In meantime, we’re going to need other ways to reduce our dependence on oil–both because oil increases instability in the world (look at Russia’s current oil-fueled adventures) and because it contributes to climate change, a problem that really can’t wait.