Garbage in, energy out: creating biofuel from plastic waste
At first glance, the polystyrene container buried amid the beach detritus was unremarkable. Closer inspection however yielded something jarring about this discarded filet-o-fish box.
At first glance, the polystyrene container buried amid the beach detritus was unremarkable. Closer inspection however yielded something jarring about this discarded filet-o-fish box.
The worst oil bust since the 1980s is putting Texas and other oil producing states on the hook for thousands of newly abandoned drilling sites at a time when they have little money to plug wells and seal off environmental hazards.
Since 1980, the biggest contributor to climate change from the United States was always electricity generation.
Earth sizzled to its 13th straight month of record heat in May, but it wasn’t quite as much of an over-the-top scorcher as previous months, federal scientists say.
A new report published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) titled “The Economic Consequences of Air Pollution” states that air pollution could be responsible for between 6 to 9 million premature deaths by the year 2060.
America’s renewed love affair with driving could reshape the U.S. ethanol industry.
A major new study has linked air pollution to increased mental illness in children, even at low levels of pollution.
A new energy era is upon us: For the first time since 1979, America’s cars, trucks, and airplanes emit more carbon dioxide than its power plants do.
Air pollution has become a major contributor to stroke for the first time, with unclean air now blamed for nearly one third of the years of healthy life lost to the condition worldwide.
Regulators are one step closer to adopting new standards for oil trains that Congress mandated last year.