Editorial: It’s time to tap the brakes on self-driving cars
Carmakers and tech companies are in a race to put autonomous vehicles on the road, and it’s time for regulators to tap the brakes.
The staff of the Fuel Freedom Foundation, based in Irvine, Calif., curates content for our sections called FFF in the News and What’s the Buzz?
Carmakers and tech companies are in a race to put autonomous vehicles on the road, and it’s time for regulators to tap the brakes.
The U.S. oil industry will need to hire tens of thousands of workers in the next two and a half years as oil prices recover and drillers stand up rigs, Goldman Sachs projected in a note this week.
NASCAR has been powered by a homegrown bio-fuel since 2011. It’s clean, green and renewable. The best drivers in the world have raced almost 10 million flawless miles on Sunoco Green E15 — proving it’s as good for engines as it is for the environment.
This week, the state launched a pilot program called California Road Charge that could lead to a radical alteration of the way the state pays for roadway upkeep.
I think Pipeline Watchdog might be a new federal job we think about having down here. Canada has one, and he’s not happy with various extraction companies, many of whom seem to be buying their pipeline parts from the international pipeline parts firm of Shyster and Flywheel.
Exxon Mobil Corp. is stepping up efforts to promote a tax on carbon to address man-made climate change, which is both a welcome move and a politically astute one.
America’s warm, wild and costly weather broke another record with the hottest June, federal meteorologists say. And if that’s not enough, they calculated that 2016 is flirting with the U.S. record for most billion-dollar weather disasters.
Gas is cheap, and Californians are putting more miles on the road. That’s bad news for those hoping the state can make a difference in the world’s fight against climate change.
Then the big storm will come, as it always does. It might come this year, it might come in 2018, 2029 or 20-whatever.
The newly elected mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, recently announced a new plan to fight air pollution. One of the biggest changes he intends to make is requiring owners of the worst-polluting cars pay a fee to drive in central London.
Fuel Freedom is a non-profit with a simple mission: break America's oil addiction by bringing competition to the U.S. transportation fuel market.
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